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Flat Back Syndrome

Flat back syndrome is a condition that often affects patients who have previously undergone spine surgery and subsequently lost the normal contour or shape of their lumbar spine, leading to the inability to stand upright. This condition, called sagittal imbalance, can be severely disabling. Sagittal imbalance can also occur in individuals with scoliosis or kyphosis who have not had prior surgery.

Fortunately, surgery can be performed to correct this condition and restore the patient's ability to stand upright. For the best results, it is essential to seek out a qualified spine surgeon who has extensive experience in handling flat back syndrome.

Symptoms & Diagnosis

Flattening of the normal lumbar curvature results in a more horizontal or straight alignment of the lower back, affecting overall posture. This is the most noticeable symptom of flat back syndrome. These changes in posture can also lead to symptoms such as:

  • Difficulty standing upright, due to the altered spinal alignment
  • Muscle fatigue and discomfort
  • Gait abnormalities
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Back pain
  • Balance issues

To determine the degree of curvature, the doctor may order imaging tests such as an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan. These images can also help the doctor identify if the spinal cord and nerves or other structures have been affected by the curvature.


Conservative treatment can help manage symptoms like back pain and discomfort caused by flat back syndrome. However, surgical intervention may be necessary in more severe cases where conservative treatment has failed to improve the patient’s posture and quality of life, if the misalignment is severe, or if additional problems develop due to the lack of curvature in the spine.

Conservative Treatment
  • Physical therapy Specific exercises targeting the lumbar spine and core muscles can help restore balance and promote a more natural spinal curvature. Braces: Braces may be recommended to support proper spinal alignment and alleviate symptoms.
  • Pain management Pain management techniques like epidural steroid injections or facet injections may be used to provide temporary relief from pain and inflammation in the affected area.
Whether the condition arises post-surgery or is associated with pre-existing scoliosis or kyphosis, Dr. Avramis specializes in addressing sagittal imbalance and its associated symptoms. Recognizing the complexity of this condition, Avramis Spine & Scoliosis leverages advanced surgical techniques to restore a more natural curvature of the spine, improving posture and enhancing overall quality of life.


Our team at Avramis Spine & Scoliosis is here to help. To request an appointment or for any other inquiries, please fill out the form.



Our team at Avramis Spine & Scoliosis is here to help. To request an appointment or for any other inquiries, please fill out the form.